Mind Body Therapy Center Portland Oregon Logo

The Process

Most of our clients come to us after they’ve had countless doctor visits where they “can’t find anything wrong." Many are exhausted by the lack of clarity as to how they can heal from pain that’s been with them for months or even years. And many are feeling scared, depressed, and defeated. This is where the Mind Body Therapy Center can help.

The latest research into chronic pain demonstrates that nearly 90% of all chronic pain is sustained by neural circuits in the brain. This does not mean that the pain is all in your head or that you are making it up. What this does mean is that misfiring neural circuitry in your brain can trigger physical pain when there isn’t a physiological reason for doing so.

Curious about the science? Click here for an annotated bibliography containing the latest research into chronic pain.

When our work is finished, you’ll not only feel better physically, but you’ll have a greater understanding of how your body and mind can work together to sustain a healthy, pain-free life.

When you work with a coach at the Mind Body Therapy Center, you’ll be working with a practitioner who not only is trained in the latest science in pain recovery (Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), Emotional Awareness & Expression Therapy, ISTDP, CBT), but is also someone that you’ll be able to connect with on a deeper level. We make sure our practitioners are highly skilled, motivated, and ready to work hard for you to help you eliminate your pain.

I started the Mind Body Therapy Center because I want to help clients overcome their chronic symptoms and to create a space for therapists and coaches to continually educate themselves on the latest research into chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. My hope is that the supportive and encouraging environment we foster at MBTC will be felt by each of our clients.

Daniel G Lyman, LCSW
Executive Director

Ready to make a change?

 For the latest research into chronic pain, please visit the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association homepage. For those of you that want to dive deeper, here is an annotated bibliography of compiled research about the treatment of chronic symptoms.

MBTC Therapists & Coaches in the Media


Local Portland, Oregon media talks about chronic pain and the latest science in treatment.


MBTC clinician Jame Shafir is interviewed by Dr. David Hanscom. In this episode, Jamie talks about the unique challenges of working with children and adolescents, particularly in the context of chronic pain. Listen here


Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of obsessive thoughts about pain? You are not alone, and MBTC Executive Director Daniel Lyman, LCSW, has just the techniques to help you through it. Tune into this interview to hear Daniel and host Christie Uipi discuss this and more.

Listen here.


Psychology Today

“There are a number of chronic physical conditions that stem from psychological behaviors and functions of the brain. It is only when we understand how our mind works that we can begin to heal our body…”

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The Steady Coach Live Interview

MBTC Director Daniel Lyman is interviewed by Dr. Yonit Arthur, audiologist and Dizziness/PPPD expert, on her Youtube channel.

Watch here.


The Steady Coach Live Interview

MBTC Clincian Daniel Gaines is interviewed by Dr. Yonit Arthur, audiologist and Dizziness/PPPD expert, on her Youtube channel.

Watch here.

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Crushing Doubt Podcast

MBTC Director Daniel Lyman is interviewed on Dr. Dan Ratner’s Podcast.

Watch & Listen Here


The Pain Podcast

Acute pain. Chronic pain. Physical pain. Emotional pain. Psychological pain. Spiritual pain. Pain is a part of life, it’s everywhere, and it can be devastating. There are many tools, techniques, and resources for managing it, but what do we actually understand about pain?

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The Back Doctors Podcast

Psychotherapist, Daniel G. Lyman, LCSW, relates the mind-body connection and chronic pain with this patient story.

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Elevation Recovery

According to the CDC, 1 in 5 Americans (over 50 million people) suffer from chronic pain, and the chronic pain epidemic is showing no signs of getting under control. It’s just getting worse and worse. Fortunately, pain specialists like David Schechter, M.D. and Daniel G. Lyman, LCSW are using unique, cutting-edge chronic pain treatment methods that can significantly increase recovery rates.

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Whole Life Times

Preoccupation with pain exacerbates pain-sensations by creating internal anxiety, he said, causing more instances of pain “flare-ups.” His practice focuses not only on managing people’s pain, but eliminating the symptoms by “rewiring” the pain perception centers of the brain.

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Opioid Addiction Support

“My story of chronic pain is probably the exact opposite of the majority of readers on this website. Over 60% of people that are physiologically dependent upon opioids became that way because they had some type of pain syndrome, went to their doctor for treatment, and were prescribed opioid drugs.

In my case, it wasn’t until after I recovered from opioid dependence and addiction that my issues with chronic pain began.”

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TMS Wiki

Do you have pain or other symptoms that might not be entirely caused by physical problems in your body? Do you often feel worse when you are stressed or anxious? Are you willing to consider solutions that involve thinking “outside the box?” If so, we've been there, and we can help.

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